Special local rates
Ardsley Village Court
507 Ashford Avenue
Ardsley, NY 10502
Phone: 914-693-1703
Fax: 845-693-4216
If you have been ticketed with a violation of the Vehicle and Traffic Law along interstate 87 or the Sprain Brook Parkway, or anywhere else in the village of Ardsley, New York, our firm can offer you experienced and aggressive representation at the affordable rate of $445.00 per ticket. If your ticket is somewhere else in New York, our rate will remain extremely competitive. For all traffic violations, our firm can appear in Ardsley traffic court by affidavit, meaning that you will never need to go to court yourself. You will not need to take off work, get a ride to court, or sit in court for hours.
Upload your Ardsley traffic ticket here for a free consultation. Together, we’ll discuss the circumstances and your driving history, and how the particular judge and prosecutor may see the case.
We are experienced at handling all types of Ardsley traffic tickets, including:
New York Thruway trooper tickets
Stop sign violations
Passing a stopped school bus
Driving with a suspended license
Driving with a suspended registration
Seat belt violations
DWI/DUI/DWAI (alcohol and drug charges while operating a motor vehicle)
Commercial driver's license (CDL), transportation law and trucking violations
Zombie traffic tickets
The process
When you receive your traffic ticket, you should respond to it immediately. The best time to call our office is right after you get the ticket so that we can adequately prepare a defense strategy while the events are fresh in your mind, and so we can request important documents from the court and the officer that ticketed you. You may wish to upload your traffic ticket to our server before you pick up the phone.
When you call us about a traffic matter, we will discuss the possible outcomes of the ticket and the possible ways to resolve it favorably. Once you agree to retain this firm and pay the legal fee, a notice will be sent on your behalf to advise that you’re now represented by counsel. This notice will also include a plea of not guilty to the charges. Staff members at Selby Legal will follow up with you for any documents that will be needed to prepare George Selby to go to court on your behalf.
It can take several months to get a day in court. Since the start of the pandemic, the backlog in local traffic courts has only gotten worse. We monitor the situation in each Hudson Valley traffic court, and meticulously follow up to make sure that your case doesn’t fall through the cracks. This takes the stress of keeping track off of you during those long months, and should ease the worry that you’ll overlook an important court notice and end up with a suspended license as a result.
Another of the advantages of retaining Selby Legal is not having to go to court at all. George Selby leverages knowledge of the law, the local judges, and the prosecutors to get the best possible outcome. This is often through pleading guilty to a lesser offense. During your initial consultation, options such as accepting a reduced charge to avoid points on your license will be discussed, ensuring that any deal agreed to is one you’re already prepared to accept.
When we resolve the ticket, you will be provided with a detailed explanation of the result.
"Can you get this dismissed?"
There are many benefits of hiring an experienced traffic attorney for your case. While the vast majority of traffic violations are resolved with a plea of guilty to a reduced charge, there are a few situations where the ticket can be dismissed entirely. Our firm can discuss these situations with you to see if they apply to your case, however many times this can only be determined while in front of the judge. Judges, local prosecutors, and officers can make mistakes, and if you go to court alone you could end up paying for their mistakes as opposed to benefiting from them.
Another benefit of getting George Selby to represent you is knowing when to take the case to trial. Not every traffic charge can be reduced or dismissed. For many traffic matters, a trial may be the best option, especially in situations where the prosecution is not offering a reduced charge plea, and in situations where your license is at risk of being suspended or revoked.
Finally, the presence of an attorney in the courtroom shows that you are taking the matter seriously. The prosecutor and the judge may be more willing to listen to your attorney speak for you about the circumstances of your ticket, your driver's license, and your specific hardships. With an experienced traffic attorney, you will not be judged by your attitude or appearance while in the courtroom, but by the facts and circumstances of your case.