Learn more about what to expect during foreclosure and your options to stop a foreclosure by reading our frequently-asked New York mortgage foreclosure questions.
New Paltz Foreclosure Attorney
It all started when...
- "I was served with foreclosure papers!"
- "My bank wouldn't accept my payment!"
- "They said they didn't get the documents I sent them!"
As a foreclosure defense attorney, George C. Selby, Esq. has seen many tactics and strategies used on behalf of banks to kick people out of their homes, and has used his own tactics to keep people in them. Foreclosure defense involves knowing what mortgagees want, and giving it to them before they ask for it. It involves knowing when there is hope to modify your mortgage, and when it might be better to surrender, and buy time until then. Whether you are one month behind on your mortgage or one year, if you are facing a foreclosure, you will be able to review your options during your free consultation with our office.
Having an attorney assist you with a mortgage modification could significantly improve your chance of success. If you have seen them, you know the forms the banks give you are long and complicated. Additionally, many attorneys are limited to defending your foreclosure in state court, but sometimes a federal bankruptcy case is the ace-in-the-hole for families facing foreclosure. For example, if there is a foreclosure sale scheduled, a bankruptcy filing can be used to immediately stop the sale, and likely assist in obtaining a modification.